The piece that I will be making is a short film, used for entertainment but also educational reasons. This product will appear on TV, during adverts. This is to catch peoples attention and educate them on e-safety, how they should be more careful when clicking on links and looking at websites on the internet, as many links have viruses attached to them, enabling hacker to get onto your computer and look through webcams.
The genre of this piece will be a thriller. This was chosen because we thought that it would be more effective for the audience as we wanted the film to inform people on webcam safety. The purpose of this film is to promote public information about computer uses and hackers.
Target Audience
The target audience will be computer users, but more specifically teenagers who would use the technology for the majority of more things. This segment of the market are more at risk of having their technological devises hacked into, as they are less aware of scam art. Because of this, we thought it would be best if we had a teenager as the victim in this short film, to make more of an impression on this target market. The short film will appear on TV, during adverts in order to catch a larger segment of people.
Medium; 1080P
Running time; Pending..
Location; My house
Key scenes; 1.) when Anna is talking to Simone about the dress that she really wants - 2.) following, the scene when Anna gets the dress but she or Simone didn't order it - 3.) the ending scene when the stalker is in her bedroom without her knowing.
The short film will appear on TV, I thought that during adverts, this would be a powerful message to get peoples attention. It is aimed at all electronic devise users, in order to raise awareness of how hackers can get into your laptop, without you even know, warning people to be careful of what they click on and do in-front of a webcam.
Girl gets hacked by a stalker.
Anna is sitting at her desk with her laptop on and gets a message from her “sister” with an attachment to it for a video which says “Scary”
She clicks on the link and nothing comes up. She asks her sister why she sent her a blank video but her sister doesn’t know what she is talking about, so they both shrug it off.
The film goes through Anna on her laptop from a series of shots, showing how the hacker knows her and how he can control her laptop, (metaphorical for her life.)
Creepy things that happen:
- Anna is internet shopping and finds a dress that she really likes. She is facetiming with Simone and sends her the link to the dress that she wants, but says she can’t afford it.
The next day, she is facetiming with Simone again and opens a parcel that has been delivered to her house. It’s the dress that she wanted but couldn’t afford.
Anna: “Did you send me this?”
Simone: “No? Who else did you show?”
Anna: “No one.”
Who sent her the dress and how did they know which one?
2. Anna is on her laptop and suddenly it starts to play recordings of her recent conversations with her friends and family. She thinks it’s just a small problem with her laptop, not someone controlling it.
3. Anna is home alone and strange things start to happen on her laptop. She gets scared, tries to fix the problem. Decides to call her mum on facetime, but the hacker controlling her laptop doesn’t allow it.
Scenes that the hacker will see of Anna:
- Anna has a facemask on and is is her room.
- She is doing her homework up to her desk.
- Doing her makeup in her room.
Ending scene:
End with a zoom out from a computer screen, to an over the shoulder shot of a man sitting at a desk, watching her through his computer screen. He then gets up from his desk and turns, but we don’t see his face. (it cuts to an end before we see who is stalking her.)
Meaning and Purpose;
The meaning and purpose of this task is to provide an initial idea of what my short film is going to be about to help during the filming process so I know exactly what I need to produce from my film.
Film Synopsis/Treatment;
Title: Unseen
Medium: Video - 10ATP (high definition), 16 by 9 (wide screen.)
Running Time: 6-7 minutes.
List of characters - Who they are played by:
Anna - Anna Weston.
Anna's mother's voice - Myself.
Simone (Anna's friend) - myself.
The hacker - Sam Sherwood.
Meaning and Purpose;
The meaning and purpose of this task is much like the purpose of writing out the initial idea of my short film, to help give me guidelines of what I am trying to create when filming. These storyboard help will help me when decided what to 'shoot next' and what camera angles I want to use.
Shot List;
- Screen recording shot (Quick Time Player) - Anna scrolling down on facebook newsfeed
- Close up - Close up of hand scrolling on track pad
- Extreme Close up - Extreme close up on Anna’s eyes, seeing the reflection of the screen in her eyes
- Over the shoulder shot - Over the shoulder shot of Anna sitting at desk facing the computer screen. (slowly zooming in on the webcam)
- Pan shot - Anna pans out of the frame during the zoom in on the webcam
- Close up and zoom shot - Shot of the camera staring directly into the webcam (building tension)
- Screen recording shot (Quick Time Player) - message from Anna’s sister pops up on facebook titled (scary)
- Screen recording shot (Quick time player) - When Anna opens it, it is blank. The hacker is now in control of her laptop.
- Extreme close up - Zoom in on webcam
- Medium Close up - Medium close up from photobooth camera on laptop
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - Time Lapse of Anna in her room. The hacker appears on laptop screen for a split second.
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - time lapse from photobooth shot.
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - Time Lapse from webcam shot. Anna opening her curtains.
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - Time Lapse from webcam shot. Anna looking in her wardrobe.
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - Time lapse from webcam shot. Anna dancing around in her room.
- Medium Close up - Simone and Anna Talk on facetime
- 17)Screen recording shot (Quick Time Player) - Anna showing Simone a dress she wants online.
- Screen recording shot (Quick Time Player) - Anna sends a link of the dress she likes to Simone.
- Screen recording shot (Quick Time Player) - Simone and Anna talking on facetime about the dress she likes
- Medium Close up - Anna and Simone still talking on facetime.
- Establishing shot/ Time Lapse Shot - Anna chilling in her room, with facemask on, doing her makeup in mirror, brushing hair, singing, on her laptop etc.
- Establishing shot and medium closeup - Anna and simone talking on facetime again, someone calls out Anna’s name to say she has a parcel so Anna quickly steps out of her room to check it out. While Anna is out of the room, her music starts playing on her laptop and Simone is confused.
- Establishing Shot and medium closeup - Anna walks back into the room, Simone explains about the music and anna shrugs it off. She opens the parcel in her room to find the dress she likes. Simone and Anna are both confused.
- Establishing Shot/Pan shot - Anna sitting in living room on her computer
- Long Shot - Anna sitting on the sofa on her computer
- Medium Close-up - Anna looking on her laptop when it starts to play recordings of her voice in the past.
- Medium close-up - From photobooth camera of Anna staring directly into the camera
- Medium Close-up - From canon camera of Anna looking at the computer
- Medium close-up - Anna trying to call her mum on facetime but hacker blocks the call (shot on webcam camera)
- Side on/long shot - Anna sitting down, hearing a sound in the house (view of the door)
- Webcam shot and medium closeup - Anna calling out ‘Hello?’ from hackers point of view
- Zoom out shot - Anna saying ‘hello?’ on monitor (still showing medium close-up, just on computer screen)
- Zoom out/over the shoulder - Back of hackers head sitting at computer desk
- Over the shoulder - Hacker stands up at desk
- Establishing shot - Hacker walking out of frame, main focus on Annas computer screen.
- Black screen - finish on a cliff hanger
Meaning and Purpose;
The meaning and purpose of this task was to provide an outline of the shots that we wanted to capture for each scene. The shots that I have listed are the types that I will use for each part of the film listed above. This is very useful and helps to give me a guide line of what I want to achieve from each shot that I produce.
The meaning and purpose of this task was to provide an outline of the shots that we wanted to capture for each scene. The shots that I have listed are the types that I will use for each part of the film listed above. This is very useful and helps to give me a guide line of what I want to achieve from each shot that I produce.
Meaning and Purpose;
The meaning and purpose behind this task is to provide a rhythm for me to follow when filming, so I can get the timing right for each shot. It also helps Anna to know what comes next in the scene and what we are trying to achieve from each scene. From this information, Anna and myself will have a clear idea of the story that we are trying to create and what needs to be said 'next' in each shot.
The meaning and purpose behind this task is to provide a rhythm for me to follow when filming, so I can get the timing right for each shot. It also helps Anna to know what comes next in the scene and what we are trying to achieve from each scene. From this information, Anna and myself will have a clear idea of the story that we are trying to create and what needs to be said 'next' in each shot.
Anna - Anna Weston
Mum voice in background - played by Simone
Friend - Simone
Sister voice in background - Simone
Hacker - Sam Sherwood
Anna sitting at her desk on her laptop, scrolling through her news feed.
A series of different shots of Anna on her laptop, screen-recordings and zooms shots. Switches to shot of the screen, Anna gets a message. From her sister, Nina. Anna clicks on the link, but it comes up with a “web-page is not available” message. This confuses Anna. Why would her sister send her a blank message? She walks out the room to ask Nina.
Anna - Nina why did you just send me a blank link saying “scary”.
Nina - What?
Anna - The link you sent me? It says scary? What are you doing?
Nina - I don’t know what your on about?
Anna - You’re so strange!(mumbling.)
Time-lapse begins.
Anna sitting on her bed reading.
Anna opening her curtains in the morning.
Anna looking through her wardrobe.
Anna dancing to music in her room.
Pause in the time-lapse. Anna is on her computer, sitting up to her desk.
The facetime phone rings. Anna picks up. It’s Simone.
Anna - Hey.
Simone - Hiya. So what are you going to wear?
Anna - Well, I have found this really nice dress online from Topshop but it is really expensive so I can’t get it.
Simone - Oh that sucks. What does it look like?
Anna - Well its kind of umm, oh shall I just share the link with you.
Simone - Yeah okay
Anna sends Simone the link via facebook of the dress she wants.
Simone - Ahh that is really nice!
Anna - I know! Wish I had the money haha!
Simone - Right I gotta go do my homework, speak soon!!
Anna - Yeah speak soon, bye!
Simone - Bye!
Second Time-Lapse begins.
Anna on her computer.
Anna in her room with a facemask on.
Anna doing her makeup in the mirror.
Anna brushing her hair.
Anna singing to her music.
Anna goes to her laptop and rings Simone on facetime.
Simone answers.
Simone - Hey
Anna - Heya, did you do the media prep?
Simone - yeah did you?
Anna - Not yet, woops!
Anna’s mum calls out from downstairs.
Jennifer - Anna there is a parcel down here for you! Did you not know?
Anna - No I didn’t see it. Just coming. Okay, I’ll be right back.
Simone - Okay.
Anna goes downstairs quickly to grab her parcel while Simone remains on facetime. Anna’s laptop starts to make weird sounds, playing songs on Anna’s library even though no song have been put on. Simone is confused but waits until Anna get back to say something.
Anna - Back!
Simone - Your laptop was just making really weird sounds?
Anna - Really?
Simone - Yeah, like playing your music without you pressing anything?
Anna - Oh? Oh well, must have pressed the play button on my way back or something.
Simone - Yeah? So what is the parcel?
Anna - I don’t know? I didn’t order anything?
Anna opens the parcel to find the dress that she had recently been talking about to Simone on facetime.
Simone - What is it?
Anna - It’s the dress I wanted? Mum must have got it for me? Mum!
Jennifer - Yes? (from downstairs)
Anna - Did you buy this dress for me?
Jennifer - What dress?
Anna looks at Simone in confusion.
Anna - Did you get it for me? You’re the only other person I showed the dress to?
Simone - No? Wasn’t me? I don’t even know your address lol. Who else did you tell that knows where you live?
Anna - …………….No one?.........
Anna is sitting on the sofa in her living room. Her mum is going out the door.
Jennifer - Okay, bye Anna. See you in a minute.
Anna - Bye.
Hears the door close in another room. Anna is alone.
She is sitting on the sofa, on her laptop when strange sounds come from the laptop, recordings of her voice at different times.
Anna is confused and starts to panic. She decides to facetime her mum…
It doesn’t work because the hacker has blocked all of her calls on her laptop. The recordings for her laptop then cut off and there is a deafening silence around the house.
Anna then hears strange noises coming from upstairs, footstep sounds.
Anna - Hello? Who’s there?
The silence comes back again, but then strange sounds come from the kitchen. The kettle is boiling.
Anna - Who’s there?!
The screen then zoom out from the webcam view, onto a monitor where you see the back of someone’s head, watching Anna through her webcam. It continues to zoom out. The man then gets up and walks out the room, leaving Anna on the monitor.
Anna (from the screen) - Hello?!
The screen then fades, hearing a door opening and closing to finish.
The End.
Contingency Plan
In case the first scheme of the production schedule doesn't go to plan, a contingency plan must be put into place to ensure that filming will get done, even if the initial production schedule can't take place.
If filming at my house is not possible, we will then go to Anna's house and film there instead.
We have a change of plan if the days/times don't co-operate, we will film on the 3rd and 4th of November, but with the same times that I have initially written in the first schedule.
Booking Sheet
Meaning and Purpose;
The meaning and purpose of this booking sheet is to confirm that I have taken the equipment needed to shoot my film and I am aware that I am responsible for it until returned. If I do not return a piece of equipment or it is not in the same condition as it was when I first booked it out, I will then be responsible as will have agreed to looking after it. If this should happen, I will need to replace the lost/broken equipment, which I am agreeing to by signing this form.
Above is an image of the floor-plan used for the short film. I created this to give a clear idea of the shape of the room we filmed in and where we shot.
Meaning and Purpose
This was in order to communicate to audience members the scene in which the film was set, along with the style of sets that were used. Because of this, I think the film is also more relatable to audience members as many of them would sit in their bedrooms on their computers, making it clear that it could happen to anyone, highlighting how careful people need to be when using their computers.
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